Sleep apnea is a condition that is being taken increasingly seriously by the medical profession and public at large. It is characterized by a sufferer briefly stopping breathing during their sleep. This can occur many times during the night, leading to poor quality sleep and tiredness the following day.
There are various options open for treating the condition, which include surgery, drugs and the use of various sleep apnea devices. The latter is often one of the first treatments that is considered because there are no side effects. They are particularly useful in cases of obstructive sleep apnea. This is where there is a physical obstruction to the passage of air through the upper respiratory tract.
One of the most successful devices used by patients is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). The patient wears a sealed mask over their nose or mouth/ nose and this mask is connected to blower. This creates a positive pressure that forces the airways open, and prevents their collapse. Despite many people being initially concerned about wearing a mask at night, it is something that the majority of patients quickly become accustomed to. Many have said that it is possible to have a very restful night's sleep using one and that they feel dramatically better afterwards.
Another option for some patients is a dental sleep apnea device. This could be an option for patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea. It has also been found to be effective for patients that suffer from snoring. It is usually fitted by a dentist or orthodontist. There are various different types available, but they generally aim to move the lower jaw down and forward to increase the size of the airways. Some also move the tongue forward. These devices may take a little bit of time to get used too, but many patients have found them to be beneficial.
If you do not feel that you would feel happy wearing a sleep apnea dental device there are also other options available to you. These include surgery and the use of drugs. Surgical procedures are not always successful and should be talked over with your doctor before you proceed.
If you wish to use a sleep apnea appliance, it is a good idea to ensure that you have been properly diagnosed and that you have the type of condition that will respond to a physical intervention. Your doctor will be able to recommend where you can go to have your condition confirmed. If the tests show that you have obstructive sleep apnea, you could be a good candidate for obtaining relief from an appliance.